What is your favorite things that he does? When he laughs he has a chuckle.
What is the thing that you find most challenging? That he still gets up every 3 hrs and doesn't nap much in the day!
How old is your child? 12.5 mosWhat is your favorite thing about her? Her curiosityWhat do you find most challenging? making time for everyone but we manage somehow. Guess I'm just really hard on myself about that one.How has she changed most over the last year? she advances in leaps n bounds bc if her siblings. She tries everything once then she is a pro.If you had to guess, what you do think she will be in the future? an engineer, she likes to put things together, the smaller the betterWhat are you favorite times with her? I like watching her independence and experimenting, she's very inquisitiveWhat is she really into right now? walking, walking n walkingWhen she is a teenager, and won't listen to you anymore. What are some words of wisdom you would like her to know? Judging from her character now, nothing is impossible for her
E and J(grandma and daughter), M (son) and F his wife, and their 2 kids - T -15 and K 10 (grandkids), E (daughter) and Brandon, her husband and their 3 kids - C 4, C 2 and C 9 months (grand kids).
What is your favorite thing about the kids? my children....pride of who they have become. My son owns a successful business and a great husband and dad, My daughter is an extremely accomplished, too much to list and a wonderful mother, and wife. Emma her sensitivity.. Both daughter and son in laws...I love who they are and their ability to relate to my son and daughter.
GRANDKIDS - T mature, has become a great person to be with, K- smart, many talents, and loves her gramma, Car, - my daughters 1st born, so there is a special bond, he is lively and brill iant, Cl - I love to watch her love on her brothers. she is a princess and lets everyone know it. she reminds me of my sister who died in 91, so she warms my heart. C the baby...I have to hold back tears, he is the sweetest, calmest baby, he will just sit on your lap and watch the world go by...I think is will be the affectionate one.
What is the best thing about seeing each of them grow up? WWho they are becoming...but I find it sad as they get older..
What do you think each of these kids will be when they grow up?Tyler says he want to go into the marines and college. K wants to be a Dr. E - she is still feeling her way around..but has leaned toward being a teacher, she has a gift with children. The 3 little ones..it is hard to say...
When all of us get together, you can describe it as... Why? Pure Joy....I love having everyone together. I did not have a crowd growing up and think seeing everyone together, hearing their voices playing is something I love.