Monday, September 13, 2010

Caden turns 20 months - Woodlands TX Child Photographer

This past weekend, my son turned 20 months old. I usually miss these milestones, but this one I actually captured.

Just like many of you, I am continually amazed at how quickly these little "people" grow up. Mine came out grown up. One day they arrive into our lives and then the next they are attending school. So days like this, that I can spend with him and see all of the new things that he has learned, I feel so blessed.

Caden is now talking all of the time, to anyone or anything that will listen. He runs everywhere. He is testing boundaries constantly, which I guess they do at these age. He is so loving, blowing kisses and offering hugs to everyone, even strangers. You have to love the toddler innocence.

So I thought I would share a couple of photos from this weekend. He allowed me about 2 minutes, with his helicopter. Just enough time for a smile and a few beautiful serious shots. I LOVE this boy.

Enjoy the week you guys. And happy 20 months, sweet pea.

1 comment:

  1. Caden is such a love and the perfect combination of his mommy and daddy. Blessings!
