But as the saying goes, better late than never....
So this week (April 24-May 1) is National Infertility Awareness Week. As many of you know, Chris and I went through infertility 6 years ago. Infertility is a horrible thing to have to go through, so I have a special place in my heart for all of the families that have and ever will go through this journey (because it is a journey and it will never leave you). Some families have the blessing of becoming biological family. Others will be blessed by adoption or surrogacy. And others will face childless living, which can have it's perks, if you don't have your heart set on children.
Chris and I were blessed with only 5 years of treatments. And then our miracle arrived. We know that everyday we get to spend with Caden is a day that over 7.3 million infertile Americas will not get to spend with children of their own. So yes, he is very spoiled as are most babies of infertile parents.
So if you were ever or are now. I want you to know, you have a friend and confidant in me. We can share scares, stories and most of all help each other through those times that your husband (bless his heart) just won't understand.
And if you just want to understand more about infertility. Here are some great links.