Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Brand spankin' new!

We are very excited! We have a brand new website and new URL. 

Check it out! And be sure to update your bookmarks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Easter is coming!

Hop on over!

Join us on March 28th for a special mini-session to celebrate Easter!

Use our props or come dressed in our Easter best.

Join us on March 28th.
Limited spaces available. Call to reserve your time, before they are gone.

Mini session fee - $25 for 30 minutes
Special print pricing and a new package just for mini sessions.
1 8x10
2 5x7s
1 page of wallets
$50 - All of the same image

Call us today to reserve your spot.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are you ready for your closeup? Mini-session

Do you feel like you will forget how tiny their toes are?

Or how beautiful their face is at this age?

Join us on March 14th for a special mini-session of Close-ups. We will focus on documenting those tiny parts you love. Space is limited, so call soon to hold your spot.

Mini-session fee - $25 for 30 minutes
Special print pricing and a new package just for mini-sessions.
1 8x10
2 5x7s
1 page of wallets
$50 (all same pose)

Call us today to reserve your spot.

Creative Mom Parties - Starting this month!

Join us on March 27th for our first CMP. A creative mom party is just that, a party for creative mom's.

We know that you take great photos of your kids too, so we are here to help you do fantastic things with those photos. We will begin hosting several CMPs at our studio in March.

But you can also book a CMP for your friends at your house. We have a huge list of crafts to choose from, that we can help you host a CMP of your own.

Call us today to either book your party or attend one of ours.